Nomalous Inc. is owned and operated jointly by my partner Deb McCain and me (Matt McPherson).

Matt McPherson
Managing Director
Matt is a battle-tested entrepreneur who has worked with dozens of start-ups and early stage companies, helping founders focus on market positioning, liquidity, stability, profitability and growth. He is a passionate advocate for advancing human-machine interfaces, helping smart, focused teams build scalable, globally-relevant technology businesses. In addition to building various companies from the ground-up, Matt has consulted on projects for businesses / entites including DoubleClick (now Google), Fox, HBO, NFL, CBC, Public Health Ontario, University Health Network, Sick Kids, Sunnybrook, USAID and the State of Minnestoa.
He has deep experience in corporate business development, venture financing and strategic planning, teaching the occasional entrepreneurship course at the graduate & undergrad levels at the University of Toronto.
Matt currently acts as COO at Quantum Capture and also ensures a smooth back office as Operations Manager at Deb McCain Communications. Matt is the co-creator and host of two podcasts under the nom de pod Matt McButter: How to Tickle Yourself (with Duff McDonald, about the miracle of existence ) and Beatseeker (with Mike Weider, about the evolution of music discovery tech from the viewpoint of artists, technologists and industry insiders).
He holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in Psychology from Queen’s University, a Diploma in Computer Graphics from the IAOD and a Masters of Information from the University of Toronto.

Deb McCain
Principal, Deb McCain Communications
Deb is as veteran communications executive, with over 20 years of communications experience in Toronto and New York City. She has worked for large corporate communications companies including Hill & Knowlton and GCI Group and has served as an aide to several cabinet minister’s in the Ontario government. Deb has provided communications counsel to senior executives at companies and associations including The Hospital for Sick Children, Petro-Canada, Nortel Networks, The Regional Municipality of York, Glaxo Wellcome, Bank of New York and the Northern Tourism Marketing Board. She has developed marketing and promotion programs for companies including L’Oreal, Cadillac, Masarati, Panasonic, National Post, and Corby’s Distilleries.
In 2001 she began to focus on the entertainment and lifestyle sectors, as Director of Communications for Kontent Publishing Inc., the parent company of Inside Entertainment magazine and FQ magazine. She then establishied Deb McCain Communications, a lifestyle PR agency that provides communications consulting and publicity services to the television, fashion and design industries.
She holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Political Science from Queen’s University and a Masters of Science (M.Sc.) in political communication from the London School of Economics.